Finally! After many weeks of preparations and a delay of 1 week, 1 day and 1 hour, our trip has begun!
Due to spontaneous trips, we had already decided to postpone our trip with a week. The final day before leaving, stress took over, because there was still a lot to do and we decided to take one more extra day to prepare the car stress-free.
The first trip was a short one. We had never been to Lake Elementaita, which has been on our to do list for a very long time. Waking up on 'THE DAY' was a bit odd. We both had combination of excitement and a slight feeling of anxiousness.

We still had to pack most of our car, so Jeroen had to go many trips up and down the elevator. Watch the video of our departure below.
One hour later than initially planned, we were finally on our way! The first part was very familiar. The road to Nakuru is a road that we know well, so no surprises there. This was also a good opportunity to test our dash cam. It has an 'emergency response', that automatically initiates recording when it senses something that could be a collision. Apparently, the Kenyan roads were bad enough to trigger the emergency response 4 times already. One thing we love about this route is being able to see animals along the road. On our way we saw zebras, giraffes and impalas. Despite living in Kenya for over 3 years, those views never get old.
When we were close to the campsite (Kikopey beach camp), all eyes were on possible direction signs on the road, in addition to our Google Maps route. As we know, Google Maps only gets you so far - and we have already experienced Google's road suggestions guiding us through impassible routes through homesteads and farmland in Kenya before... Since we saw no signs along the road, we relied on Google Maps. Bad call, because when we were 'arrived at the destination' we were in the middle of nowhere with no campsite to be seen. After finding a phone number online, we called the campsite and they laughingly said that we should not have followed Google Maps. Apparently this happens more often. We followed the lady's instructions and arrived at a beautiful campsite on the lakeside. Lesson learned: always double check with the destination in advance!
We set up our tent and awning and sat down in our camping chairs, telling each other 'this is living'. We can get used to this. A beer, a lovely view of the lake and its flamingoes and we are happy. There were no other people camping, so our only neighbors were the vervet monkeys and a long-crested eagle who came to greet us. In the afternoon we used our resident discount to take a walk along the lake, getting as close to the flamingoes and pelicans as possible.

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