We will not be making an extensive blog post every day, we promise. However, on the first days, we have been traveling quite a lot and everything we are experiencing is beautiful and interesting (to us, at least). We are also trying to figure everything out: new routines with cooking, exercising while traveling and re-organizing our stuff in the car every day. As we go on, we constantly find that every time we need something, that exact thing is the most difficult to get out. On this day we drove on the most beautiful road we have been on in Kenya so far.
We woke up quite early due to the early sunlight and the baboons crossing our campsite. We made some banana pancakes for breakfast and took our time to break up camp and rearrange the car. We knew we had a long drive today, but we were awake early enough not to hurry.
The road to our exit gate took us along the lake. Although the campsite was located near the lake, we could not actually see it from there. When we finally set our eyes on the lake, we were mesmerized. The number of flamingoes was huge and the hills surrounding the lake breathtaking. We planned a quick stop at the hot springs, which turned out to be a wonderful experience.
At first, the hot springs did not seem to be much. We saw several puddles of water, which seemed to be just puddles due to rain. After closer inspection, Emma yelled excitedly ‘Look! This one has bubbles and steam!’. A little further ahead, the hot springs were much bigger. Water was bubbling from the earth’s surface. We saw some strange metal buckets and a lot of eggshells all across the hot springs area. Then suddenly we connected the dots. We were due for some coffee, so we decided to extend our short stop here. Emma used the hot springs to boil some eggs and Jeroen made some coffee. This was definitely one of the more special ‘Coffee and eggs’ we had ever had. We continued our way through the beautiful Lake Bogoria National Reserve, which kept showing beautiful us views, with many flamingoes.
When we exited the park, we were surprised to find a great tarmac road. Our destination today was Eldoret, but we decided to take the scenic route through Kerio Valley. This road was filled with twists and turns, so we prepared for the worst. What followed was the exact opposite. The road was very good, with little traffic and the views were amazing. This was by far the most beautiful road we have traveled on in Kenya we have ever used. The trip took us a few hours, but they went by in what seemed to be a heartbeat. Before we knew it, we were out of the valley and on our way to Eldoret. Since Eldoret does not really have a lot of campsites, we decided to go to a hotel. This way we can ease into camping, alternating between campsites budget friendly hotels or lodges.
Watch the summary of our trip below.

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